Settings Upload invoices to Amazon (when using the VAT calculation service/VCS)

If you use the vat calculation service (VCS) from Amazon, you have the option to refrain from invoicing by Amazon. easybill then creates the documents for you as usual and stores them for download by the customer on Amazon. There is no need to send documents via e-mail, but your own invoice number and design will be used again.

To activate this function, you can use the following link to specify that you want to upload your own invoices:

Click here on I Will upload my own VAT invoices.

Amazon activates the function on a certain date. This date should be displayed during activation. Store it in the Import Manager via

  1. Settings
  2. Amazon
  3. VCS and Document Upload
  4. on the right side, third option I use the Amazon Value Added Tax Calculation Service (VCS): easybill takes over the tax calculation from Amazon and creates the documents

If you are already a VCS user and you create your invoices on Amazon, you will not be shown a date during the conversion, as the conversion will take place immediately. However, enter the current date (of the conversion) in easybill. If VCS credits should also be imported, enter the date here as well.



From this date (date of purchase) the order data is automatically imported, the invoices are generated and uploaded to Amazon. Any other import type for Amazon orders will no longer generates invoices.

Activate all marketplaces for which you are registered.


Important for Amazon sellers with own shipping:

If the date for the VCS upload is in the future and Amazon temporarily takes over your invoice generation, the report must be converted for self-shipping. Click on the following link or in Amazon via

Customize report

  1. Orders
  2. New orders
  3. Add or remove columns in order report

Activate the VAT Details field here. Only then can easybill recognize in the data that you are using the VAT calculation service and that no more invoices may be generated.

Check whether automatic invoice creation is activated in the Import Manager.

  1. Click Settings
  2. Click on General Information
  3. Function: Automatically create invoices for automatic imports

Invoices must be uploaded to Amazon within 24 hours of being marked for dispatch. This is ensured by our automatic retrieval (three times a day).

For the VCS upload to work properly, your documents must meet some requirements.

Recommendation from Amazon (concerns the layout of your documents)

Amazon would prefer it if you did not include bank details in your documents. Remove these via the layout settings in easybill, if the bank details are not integrated in a letterhead.

Mandatory information Amazon invoice text

  1. Switch to the Import Manager
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click on Amazon
  4. Click on invoice texts

If the buyer stores not only an invoice address but also a (different) delivery address in his data, this must be mentioned in the invoice text. Use the following query for this:

German Version:
{% if separate_shipping %}Abweichende Lieferanschrift:
{{customer.shipping_address}}{% endif %}


English Version:
if separate_shipping %}Delivery address:
{{customer.shipping_address}}{% endif %}


The buyer's tax number should always be printed if the buyer provides it to Amazon. Even if it is a private purchase, Amazon recommends the imprint of the deposited tax number. So that there is no overlap or double imprint of the tax number in the case of an intra-community trade, use the following query in your invoice text:

German Version:
{% if customer.vat_id && intra_community_supply == false %} Ihre Steuernummer: {{customer.vat_id}} {% endif %}


English Version:
{% if customer.vat_id && intra_community_supply == false %} Your VAT ID: {{customer.vat_id}} {% endif %}


Since Amazon does not provide a buyer's email address for the VCS upload (so invoices can only be uploaded but not sent), queries that previously asked for the buyer's email can no longer be used. If you have used different languages (for example: {% if contains '' %}Invoice for your Amazon order), use the following query in the invoice text.

{% if store_id == '' or store_id == 'DE' or contains '' %}Ihre Bestellung Nr. {{order_number}} vom {{purchase_date}}
{% else %}Your order no. {{order_number}} from {{purchase_date| date_format: 'yyyy/mm/dd'}}


To import credits you should enable the retrieval of VCS credits via Amazon settings. These credits are also not sent by e-mail. We no longer recommend calling up the Finance API when VCS is activated.

We will be happy to make the necessary settings together with you.

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